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Title: Abordagem sobre os processos sucessórios do campesinato a partir das relações de gênero
Other Titles: An approach on the successional processes among the peasantry according to gender relations
Keywords: Campesinato
Relações de gênero
Gender relations
Issue Date: 2012
Citation: PEREIRA, V. G.; REIS, L. S.dos. OLIVEIRA, M. de L. S.Abordagem sobre os processos sucessórios do campesinato a partir das relações de gênero. Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, Ponta Grossa, v. 3, n. 2, p. 87-97, ago./dez. 2012.
Abstract: One of the peculiarities that characterize the peasantry is the central role that the ecological capital has, in so far as the relationship with nature is the basis of its autonomy. This resource base is not static and suffers increasing pressure, being inheritance an example of it. This article analyses the system of inheritance of land for the social reproduction of the peasantry. The starting point is the approach of the peasant family unit from the agrarian studies of Alexander Chayanov, a Russian economist, considering sociability issues, as seen under anthropological aspects. The analyses show how the “customary rights” prevail over the provisions of the Civil Code, avoiding excessive fragmentation of land, while reinforcing an unequal gender issue in which the father, as householder, has a scheme of authority.
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