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Title: Identidades em (des)construção: problematizando representações femininas e masculinas em charges, cartuns e tirinhas
Other Titles: Deconstructing identities: problematizing female and male representations in charges, cartoons and comic strips
Authors: Reis, Fábio Pinto Gonçalves dos
Ribeiro, Paula Regina Costa
Ribeiro, Cláudia Maria
Keywords: Identidade de gênero – Caricaturas e desenhos humorísticos
Análise crítica do discurso
Gender identity – Caricatures and cartoons
Critical discourse analysis
Issue Date: 12-Dec-2017
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: BARBOSA, L. A. L. Identidades em (des)construção: problematizando representações femininas e masculinas em charges, cartuns e tirinhas. 2017. 112 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação)-Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2017.
Abstract: This research investigated how gender identities have been represented and fixed through charges, cartoons and comic strips, comprising these artifacts in the vast field of pluridiscursivity, the relations between knowledge, power and truth, and the production of meanings about women and men. These cultural texts, endowed with an ability to produce in fact what they at first only name, can be understood as instruments of power that subjectivate and act upon bodies, naturalizing and essentially essentializing them. It is interesting and necessary that we seek, through this, to understand the statements that surround us from the inspirations coming from post-critical theorizations, that is, as spaces of encounters and discursive confrontations rhythmically crossed by historicities and temporal significations that are born from Certain principles reactivated and potentialized daily by them, principles that are not necessarily fair. There are visible and still recurrent around us ideas aligned with the secondary and marginalized women in various fields of social life, and this is a very serious problem. In the post-structuralist side, whether people are made up of signs and whether charges, cartoons and comic strips understood as enunciations are nothing more than sets of signs, why not think of the effect of these artifacts on the lives of women and men Which are subjective in these representations? Were these people being just what people say about them? Assuming the characteristics reserved to them? It is hoped that this research may contribute not to provide timely answers to questions of this type, but to sound problematizations, to raise dust, and even to raise even more questions about how we are formed in these processes and how we deal with normatizations and crystallizations of truths.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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