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Title: Aspectos de qualidade e composição centesimal dos frutos de Syzygium cumini (L.) skeels e Syzygium paniculatum Gaertn
Other Titles: Quality aspects and centesimal composition of Syzygium cumini (L.) fruits skeels and Syzygium paniculatum Gaertn
Keywords: Jambolão - Valor nutricional
Syzygium - Nutritional Value
Issue Date: Jan-2015
Publisher: Centro Universitário de Gurupi
Citation: PEREIRA, R. J. et al. Aspectos de qualidade e composição centesimal dos frutos de Syzygium cumini (L.) skeels e Syzygium paniculatum Gaertn. Cereus, Gurupi, v. 7, n. 1, p. 60-74, jan./abr. 2015.
Abstract: The current study aimed to assess some parameters of quality and centesimal composition from fruits of two species from genre Syzygium. The centesimal composition was obtained using Wendee´s method, with some modifications. Evaluated fruit qualities were: total solvable solids, total volumetric acidity analysis, total solvable sugars, pH and total and solvable pectins. The amount of pulp and seed humidity of both species were higher with ethereal extract and net protein presenting low amounts. Regarding caloric values, in the species S. cumini (L.) Skeels, 78.91 Kcal were found in the pulp and 166,15 in the seed, whereas regarding S. paniculatum Gaertn, corresponding scores found were 26,34 Kcal in the pulp and 134,46 in the seed. The amount of ashes were different in different parts in both species. Acidity scores found in this research for the pulp of boths species may indicate the inclusion of iamb in the group of acid foods. Regarding solvable solids, scores found in this study in both species were three times higher than those reported in the literature. The amounts of pectins found were lower as compared to those values reported in the current literature. Thus, these caloric fruits may be considered as rich in fibers and thus, may be included in diets with less or caloric restrictions. There is the need for future studies which may contribute to expand the current knowledge about chemical composition and nutritional value from these two species as they may be included in the usual diet including the prepararion of new produtcs.
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