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Title: Trends in researchers’ education for environmental education and education for sustainable development
Other Titles: Tendencias en la educación de pesquisidores para la educación ambiental y la educación para el desarrollo sostenible
Tendências da educação de pesquisadores em educação ambiental e educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável
Keywords: Performativity
Process and evaluation of knowledge production
Evaluation of postgraduation
New researcher’s education
Proceso de producción del conocimiento científico
Evaluación de la producción científica
Evaluación del postgrado
Formación de nuevos investigadores
Processo e avaliação da produção do conhecimento científico
Avaliação da produção científica
Avaliação da pós-graduação
Formação de novos pesquisadores
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: CARVALHO, L. M. de et al. Trends in researchers’ education for environmental education and education for sustainable development. Revista Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental, [S.l.], v. 13, p. 61-74, 2018. Edição especial. DOI: 10.18675/2177-580X.vol13.Especial.p61-74.
Abstract: In this paper we discuss how recent developments tied to the current neoliberization climate, such as an increased reliance on publication metrics, percolate through the process of researchers training and education, casting a shadow over hiring, funding and choice of publication venue criteria, drawing on examples from Brazil and other countries. At the same time, we present a number of movements that have sprouted in response to this perceived undue influence and may open up new avenues for the academic community that allow for more diversity while preserving the university´s role in preparing and supporting new generations of researchers. We tried also to put in evidence the consequences and the possibilities that these resistance movements can bring to the field of environmental education.
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