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Title: Análise crítica do discurso de criação da fundação Renova: a perpetuação dos crimes corporativos
Other Titles: Critical discourse analysis of the fundação Renova creation: the perpetuation of corporate crimes
Authors: Mafra, Flávia Luciana Naves
Albuquerque, Carolina Machado Saraiva de
Medeiros, Cíntia Rodrigues de Oliveira
Keywords: Crimes corporativos
SAMARCO Mineração S. A.
Fundação Renova
Análise crítica do discurso
Renova Foundation
Critical discourse analysis
Issue Date: 8-May-2019
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: FERREIRA, P. T. M. Análise crítica do discurso de criação da Fundação Renova: a perpetuação dos crimes corporativos. 2019. 105 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2019.
Abstract: In a contemporary context marked by the neoliberal tendency, the state increasingly loses its interventionist capacity and corporations have the power to act deliberately in society, defending their own interests insofar as they reduce the alternatives and rights from the people (MEDEIROS, 2013). Thanks to this power and deliberate actions, corporations have space to commit corporate crimes, which are produced in interaction of inter and intraorganizational agents, in an attempt to achieve corporate goals, causing damages to the people, environment and society in general. Corporate crimes are also characterized not as an objective decision to commit criminal conduct, but rather to know the risks and still assume them (MEDEIROS, 2013). Aware of this, it is considered the corporate crime scenario of Samarco and its controlling companies Vale and BHP, responsible for the Fundão dam, broke in Mariana-MG in 2015, based on the knowledge of the corporations about the risk of the rupture and for having decided neglect such risks. The rupture caused damage to the environment to entire communities (IBAMA, 2015), as well as causing 19 deaths (G1, 2016a) and leaving more than 1,200 people homeless (G1, 2015c), thus consolidating a case of corporate crime and a crisis scenario faced by corporations (MEDEIROS, SILVEIRA, OLIVEIRA, 2018), with recurrent denunciations and demands of the victims of the receipt of their rights. In this scenario of crisis, there are also conflicts that provoke changes in the context of corporate action, causing corporations to use strategies to return the normality of their operations (MEDEIROS, SILVEIRA, OLIVEIRA, 2018). In the crisis, which is also a process of change, there is an instability of hegemonic power, causing differences between social subjects, between dominator and dominated, represented equally in discursive struggles, in which hegemony represents, attempts to regain control and eliminate the instability that threatens it, naturalizing what gave rise to the crisis (FAIRCLOGH, 2016). As a way to mark the crisis faced by Samarco, Vale and BHP is carried out by the corporations in agreement with the State, a Transaction Term and Adjustment of Conduct (TTAC), which establishes the creation of the Fundação Renova, a private nonprofit foundation that acts in the process of redress and recovery of damages caused by the crime. Understanding that Renova emerges at the moment of instability of the hegemonic power of Samarco, Vale and BHP, as a way to slow down the struggles represented by the mining company and the resistance movements of the victims, the question is: how does the creation discourse of the Fundação Renova contribute to the naturalization and spread of corporate crimes? To answer such questioning, the present study adopts the theoretical-methodological chain of Fairclough, which deals with discursive practice and social change. The research was developed under methodological criteria of a qualitative nature, with data collection through bibliographic research - from official documents produced by the company, non-governmental organizations, websites, etc. and documentary basis, with documents produced by the MPF, the TTAC (corpus of analysis), the status of the Fundação Renova, and other official documents. The analyzes were performed based on the three-dimensionality proposed by Fairclough (2016), analyzing the social, discursive and textual practice. Thus, we analyze the production, distribution and consumption of the corpus of analysis, as well as the categories of intertextuality, interdiscursivity and the representation of social actors. The results generally point to the emergence of Renova with the use of discourses to erase victims, responsibilities and losses as a form of naturalization of crime.
Appears in Collections:Administração - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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