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Title: Formação continuada de professores: um estudo de caso sobre o tempo extraclasse
Other Titles: Continued teacher training: a case study on time extraclasse
Authors: Vallin, Celso
Nascimento Junior, Antonio Fernandes
Portes, Écio Antônio
Keywords: Formação de professores
Tempo extraclasse
Formação continuada
Teacher training
Extraclass time
Continuing education
Teacher formation
Issue Date: 8-Jul-2019
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: SOUSA, M. J. de. Formação continuada de professores: um estudo de caso sobre o tempo extraclasse. 2019. 104 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2019.
Abstract: The present work intends to discuss the continuing education of teachers from the final years of elementary education. The objective was to investigate how the continuous formation of the teachers of the final years of the elementary school in extraclass time happens, later together with the teachers formulate a proposal of continuous formation. Understanding that in order to understand the current context, it is necessary to situate ourselves in the historical path, we begin by contextualizing the formation of teachers in Brazil, for this we contribute in some important authors of the area, such as Tardif (2002); Gatti and Barreto (2009); Saviani (2005); Nóvoa (1992), among others. These authors discuss how our education is marked by reforms, ranging from the entry of the Jesuits into the educational system, through the Pombaline reform, the implantation of the Lancasterian method, the normal schools, the 3 + 1 formation model and ending in the way we are formed currently. In the next chapter, we propose to discuss the initial and continued formation of teachers, recognizing the central role these themes play in improving education. Afterwards, we presented the methodological course for the development of this work, the research developed was of the case study type linked to the participant research, the methodological approach was the qualitative one, of which besides the secondary data collection through documentary analysis, primary data were collected by interviews, in addition, the field diary and a tape recorder were also used for data collection during the course of the activities. The research involved the Municipal Department of Education and faced with the difficulty of going to all schools, we chose three of them for this study, two located in areas considered peripheral and one central. The focus of observation were the teachers and management group regarding the final years of elementary school. We seek to participate in school activities, in their extra-class hours, observing the frequency, interaction and participation of teachers in these spaces. The interviews were conducted with managers from both the Municipal Department of Education and the schools and teachers of the final years of elementary school. In the next chapter we analyze and discuss the data. For the development of this, we chose content analysis (MINAYO, 1993) to organize and analyze the components found most frequently in interviews. Subsequently we propose to elaborate a proposal of continuous formation, we seek to develop this stage supported in the observation, conversations and demands, integrating the proposals from real situations, coming from the own teachers involved, considering that, in this way, when and if they are complied with, may contribute to their continuing education. The direction of the research reveals what we have studied in the chapter on the history of Brazilian education, marked by constant changes and devaluation of education professionals.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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