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Title: Produtividade de brócolis de verão com diferentes doses de bokashi
Other Titles: Summer broccoli productivity with different doses of bokashi
Keywords: Brassica oleraceae var. itálica
Produção orgânica
Compostos orgânicos enriquecidos
Organic production
Enriched organic compounds
Issue Date: Aug-2013
Publisher: Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas Gerais (IFSULDEMINAS)
Citation: FERREIRA, S.; SOUZA, R. J. de; GOMES, L. A. A. Produtividade de brócolis de verão com diferentes doses de bokashi. Revista Agrogeoambiental, Pouso Alegre, v. 5, n. 2, Caderno II, p. 31-38, ago. 2013. DOI: 10.18406/2316-1817v5n22013487.
Abstract: The planting of single head broccoli has been expanding in recent years. The demand for healthier foods has caused an increase in the use of organic enriched compunds with microorganisms and, among these, there is the Bokashi. The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of the single head broccoli cultivation, Lord Summer, under different doses of Bokashi organic compound. The experimental design used was a randomized block with four replications and five doses of the compound (0, 250, 500, 750, 1000 gm-2). There was a linear response characteristic for plant height, number of leaves per plant, stem diameter and head, and the average mass of the head. In the organic system, the best Bokashi dosage for cultivating Lord Summer corresponded to 1000 gm-2, however, the absence of a point of maximum in all parameters evaluated suggests that higher doses of Bokashi could result in higher values.
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