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Title: A formação cultural sob “velhos” olhares das artes, da educação física e da filosofia
Other Titles: Cultural formation under “old” views of the arts, physical education and philosophy
Authors: Barbosa, Vanderlei
Barbosa, Vanderlei
Felício, Helena Maria dos Santos
Reis, Fábio Pinto Gonçalves dos
Keywords: Educação
Ensino médio
Formação de professores
High school
Teacher training
Issue Date: 17-Dec-2019
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: SANTOS, M. H. dos. A formação cultural sob “velhos” olhares das artes, da educação física e da filosofia. 2019. 60 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2019.
Abstract: The present study has as purpose to raise evidences that conceptualize the importance of the cultural formation, present in the areas of knowledge of the Arts, Physical Education and Philosophy. The main objective of this work was to analyze the aspects related to the cultural formation present in the Common National Curricular Base in these fields of knowledge beyond the technicist aspect that has predominated in the educational field. The questions that guided our reflection trajectory were posed in these terms: How can the areas of Arts, Physical Education and Philosophy contribute to the cultural formation in High School? What are the conceptions of culture present in the specific legislation of High School within the view of each area? To this end, we made use of the educational legislation, present in the Federal Constitution, the Laws of Guidelines and Bases of Education, the Curriculum Parameters and, mainly, the Common National Curricular Base, as well as other decrees and ordinances that guide the areas of activity of the Arts, Physical Education and Philosophy. A qualitative research was developed, especially supported by the desire to understand, through bibliographical review of the scholars of the areas in question and the documentary analysis of the main documents that complete the topics under discussion, how these areas can effectively contribute to the cultural formation. of the students. We seek to raise, focusing on high school, some concepts related to the proposals of cultural formation in the areas in question. To theoretically anchor the field of philosophy we resort to Theodor Adorno and Horkheimer; In the field of Physical Education we used the ideas of Jocimar Daolio and in the field of Arts we took as reference Ana Mae Barbosa and collaborators. Finally, from the literature review and documentary analysis, the proposal was to raise elements that can critically contribute to cultural formation in educational spaces.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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