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Title: O papel do discurso filosófico na interpretação religiosa: notas sobre a linguagem no Fasl-al Maqal de Averróis
Keywords: Textos sagrados
Discurso filosófico
Sacred text
Issue Date: Dec-2018
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Citation: LIMA, A. K. de. O papel do discurso filosófico na interpretação religiosa: notas sobre a linguagem no Fasl-al Maqal de Averróis. Revista Ética e Filosofia Política, Juiz de Fora, v. 3, n. 21, p. 23-44, dez. 2018.
Abstract: In his Decisive Treatise, Averroes analyzes the three valid modes for religious assent, each of them considered as being linked to a discursive mode; demonstrative, dialectical and rhetorical. From this, he affirms the demonstrative way as the most excellent, and thereby making necessary the analysis of the validity that the other ways have, since this will be decisive for the establishment of the interpretative possibilities of the Divine Law. Averroes uses this discussion to develop his thesis about the harmony between philosophy and revelation, central point of the Decisive Treatise, which makes our matter fundamental to understand the intrinsic relation that the discursive forms must maintain, avoiding the contradiction between the philosophical and the religious, which only occurs when the terms are not correctly organized. In other words, the apparent contradiction between them will occur when these interpretative modalities establish in some ways a competition with demonstration. That is also a premise that contributes to the positioning of demonstrative science practitioners as the legitimate interpreters of the sacred text.
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