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Title: Identidade docente no relato de professores de português da Guiné-Bissau
Authors: Romero, Tania Regina de Souza
Parreiras, Vicente Aguimar
Villarta-Neder, Marco Antonio
Keywords: Identidade docente
Professores de português
Língua portuguesa - Ensino
Teacher identity
Portuguese teachers
Portuguese language - Teaching
Issue Date: 26-Mar-2021
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: VAZ, A. Identidade docente no relato de professores de português da Guiné-Bissau. 2021. 111 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2021.
Abstract: In the last four decades, the theme of teacher identity has intrigued the beginner and the experienced researchers from different areas of knowledge and in different countries, being considered a central condition for the improvement of programs and courses for teacher training and the teaching-learning process. Based on this observation, we seek with this research to understand how Portuguese teachers, exercising their profession in secondary and higher education in Guinea-Bissau, conceive their teacher identity and attribute the meanings to their formative experiences. The research was developed based on the theory of biographic narratives (self) and teacher training, the decolonial theory and the model of description and analysis of Systemic-Functional Linguistics by Michael A. K. Halliday and co-participants. In methodological terms, it is a qualitative research, which involved the review of the scientific literature published in the last ten years on the subject. The methodology also included the collection, analysis and interpretation of the corpus collected through the use of questionnaires to a group of five Portuguese teachers from school institutions in Bissau and the linguistic exam to endorse the theoretical interpretation of the data. The analysis developed showed that the investigated teachers associate the identity of a portuguese teacher with the image of the most important figure for access to Science, and whose success of their work precedes the success of work of teachers in other school subjects and, therefore, the success of school education. This, given the centrality of that language in Guinean teaching and in all spheres of Science, which also reflects the political-legal hegemony of Portuguese in the country. The researched subjects tend to attribute meanings to their training experiences based on their experiences and experiences from the period of theoretical training, experiences from the first years of teaching and based on the experiences of their participation in ongoing training events, given the impacts that these moments left in your personal and professional life. Besides the possibility of contributing to the enrichment of scientific literature on the subject, this study can subsidize the elaboration of projects and programs of language teacher training courses, which can reflect positively on the teaching and learning of languages in the country and on school education in general.
Appears in Collections:Administração - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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