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Title: Espaços de escuta e instituição escolar: possibilidades para formação docente
Other Titles: Listening spaces and school institution: possibilities for teacher formation
Authors: Cabral, Giovanna Rodrigues
Romero, Tânia Regina de Souza
Silva, Márcio Magalhães da
Keywords: Teoria crítica da sociedade
Escolas - Espaços de escuta
Critical theory of society
Schools - Listening spaces
Issue Date: 30-Jul-2021
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: CAMILIO, A. P. R. S. Espaços de escuta e instituição escolar: possibilidades para formação docente. 2021. 103 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2021.
Abstract: This theoretical study seeks to reflect on the spaces of listening in school institutions, based on educational philosophical contributions from Theodor W. Adorno, thinker of the Critical Theory of Society, along with psychoanalytic reflections from Sigmund Freud, and to investigate in dissertations and theses available in the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) as the listening spaces within the school institution are addressed. The methodological paths adopted follow a qualitative, bibliographical approach, based on a literature review in the fields of Critical Theory of Society and Psychoanalysis, and a survey of dissertations and theses in BDTD with the same objective proposal. The study starts from the hypothesis that these spaces for listening in schools have been filled by a clinical or functionalist perspective – that is, they are either treated through different “remedies” or “explored” pragmatically. Thus, they are no longer individually and socially meanings, contributing little to the elaboration of the problems and difficulties observed. It is believed that the lack of spaces for listening within the school environment affects the possibility of work that does not aim at human emancipation, but alienation, mainly on teacher training and the place that this teacher occupies within institutions, considering the construction of a distorted identity of the institution's reality and demands. The reflections point to the need to expand discussions on teacher education and the recognition of the student as a subject, and to rethink the educational contexts so that these discussions that involve the educational circuit are not closed from reducing parameters.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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