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Title: Do educador governante à racionalidade neoliberal da profissão docente
Other Titles: From the governing educator to rationality neoliberal of the teaching profession
Authors: Betlinski, Carlos
Silva, Alex Sander da
Barbosa, Vanderlei
Keywords: Prática docente
Autoridade docente
Teaching practice
Teaching authority
Issue Date: 15-Oct-2021
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: KALOCZI, J. da S. L. Do educador governante à racionalidade neoliberal da profissão docente. 2021. 62 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2021.
Abstract: Education plays a decisive and transforming role in the process of human formation, and in this context, the teacher has an extremely important role in contributing to the preparation of the subjects that will participate in life in society. Therefore, the critical investigation of teaching practice constitutes a central point in educational research. With this in mind, the present work, which will consist of three articles in dialogue with each other, presents, at its core, the teaching practice, with a more specific look at the educator's role in the context of neoliberal society. The objective of this work is to promote reflections on the educator's place in the current situation of education, and how, by thinking of an educator in the proposed molds of a governing educator, it is possible to consider an advance in the school and social formation of the student. Our journey will start by reflecting on the concept of the ruling educator present in a hypothetical state of nature, as pointed out by the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, especially in his work Emile: or, On Education (2004). At this point we aim to characterize the natural pedagogy proposed by the author, as we seek to understand the role of the teacher in this process and how the relationship between educator, student, and knowledge is configured in the formation of the individual and of society. After this first stage of analysis, we move on to our current situation, to delineate and elucidate how an educational formation that is characterized as technicality, built by and for the labor market, based on a political-economic logic called neoliberal, impacts both education and the educator himself. To this end, we will rely on the work The New Way of the World: On Neoliberal Society (2016), by Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval to characterize the neo-subject that arises from this current. Having traced this path, our goal is to consider which paths this society is taking and how education and, especially, the educator, are configured in the face of a new logic of life. Still following the proposal of thinking about the teacher in contemporaneity and how to consider possible updates of the natural pedagogy of the philosopher from Geneva for this context, our third article seeks to investigate the pedagogical authority amid the neoliberal context, resuming the concepts of emancipation, freedom, and humanism defended by Rousseau. To consolidate this last step, we will also resort to Hannah Arendt and the concept of authority treated by her in her work Between the Past and the Future (2001), to consider the relevance of such concept for teaching practice because of an integral human formation, as an instrument of balance between technicality in audiovisual culture and humanism.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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