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Title: Encantamentos, caminhos e processos: contribuições do Pibid Biologia 2012-2013 da Universidade Federal de Lavras na prática pedagógica de professoras e professores de Ciências e Biologia
Other Titles: Enchantments, paths, and processes: contributions of PIBID biology 2012-2013 of the Federal University of Lavras in the pedagogical practice of teachers and teachers of science and biology
Authors: Nascimento Junior, Antônio Fernandes
Guimarães, Simone Sendin Moreira
Brito, Breno Pascal de Lacerda
Keywords: Formação de professores
Formação docente
PIBID biologia
Círculo de Bakhtin
Práticas pedagógicas
Ciências biológicas
Teacher training
PIBID biology
Bakhtin circle
Pedagogical practices
Biological sciences
Issue Date: 21-Feb-2022
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: FARIAS, L. M. Encantamentos, caminhos e processos: contribuições do Pibid Biologia 2012-2013 da Universidade Federal de Lavras na prática pedagógica de professoras e professores de Ciências e Biologia. 2021. 143 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Científica e Ambiental) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2022.
Abstract: This work has as general objective to analyze the Institutional Program of Teaching Initiation Scholarships (PIBID) EDITAL CAPES Nº 011/2012 of the Course of Biological Sciences /bachelor's degree of the Federal University of Lavras, describing and identifying their formative contributions. In addition, discuss and reflect the influences of PIBID in the pedagogical practice of PIBID-BIO former scholarships that are currently teachers.The first chapter presents the main problems of education in Brazil, about the curriculum of bachelor's degrees, the deformed views of science, pedagogical practices, under the aegis of educational policies. Thus, the work is justified by the need for teacher training that promotes a historical-critical conception. The second chapter addresses the PIBID as a teacher training policy, presenting a brief review on work that raises the potential of this program in initial and continuing education. Also in this chapter, we will describe the PIBID-BIO 2012-2013 subproject: training activities and academic productions. In the third chapter, we will present, identifying the voices that were described in the previous chapter and how the light of the discursive analysis proposed by Bakhtin's circle will be analyzed. In the fourth chapter, we will discuss the statements. These statements refer both in relation to the contributions identified from the description of the subproject, as well as to what was incorporated by the Teachers and Professors after 7 years since their experience as PIBID fellows. From the statements that refer to the participants' reports, we developed 4 instances of discussion: conception of education; critical-contextual knowledge; cathedral knowledge: teaching challenges, and PIBID: enchantment, methods, and processes. These statements elucidated to some extent some elements that were incorporated into the pedagogical practice of the subjects, such as the view of education they have, the criticality that holds in relation to social problems and the pedagogical practice in the process of human emancipation, the postures and behaviors about the challenges encountered and the memories of the formative process experienced in the Program. In this sense, we understand that the PIBID in the lives of these people acted intending for the change of thought and as a horizon enlarger. Many of the contributions identified are expressed in the participants' statements, and even after these years, some were able to remember the activities, showing how much they were immersed in a critical and reflective formation.
Appears in Collections:Educação Científica e Ambiental - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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