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Title: Alimentação como um conteúdo da educação ambiental crítica na formação de professores
Other Titles: Food as a content of critical environmental education in teacher education
Authors: Festozo, Marina Battistetti
Michelini, Janaína
Teixeira, Lucas André
Nascimento Junior, Antonio Fernandes
Keywords: Educação ambiental crítica
Formação de professores
Critical environmental education
Teacher training
Issue Date: 25-Apr-2022
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: OLIVEIRA, C. de S. Alimentação como um conteúdo da educação ambiental crítica na formação de professores. 2021. 159 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Científica e Ambiental) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2022.
Abstract: This article sought to analyze the educational processes that took food as a content of Environmental Education in teacher training, evaluating the possibilities of training and work taking the food production process as a synthetic unit of the production process of life under the capitalist logic. To organize the report and analysis of the activities and reflections developed, three independent but related scientific articles were prepared. The first article is a study that sought to bring theoretical elements about Environmental Education in its critical aspect and with a pedagogical basis in Historical-Critical Pedagogy, analyzing the importance of curricular contents for the development of a revolutionary educational process and for the effective insertion of EE at Schools. The second article sought to analyze the activities developed with teachers in training, trainees in the Biological Sciences course at UFLA, who took food as the content of EE and contributed to the understanding of the school environment through research carried out in different schools. where there were interns. Thus, when analyzing the educational process developed around the research, it was possible to reflect on the potential of food as an EE content and of research as an educational method in teacher education. The article points to the importance of facing fragmentation, especially in teacher education, which makes it difficult to insert EE in schools. The third article seeks to report and analyze a work proposal developed in the training of environmental educators teachers, based on food as EE content, which sought to discuss the potential of food in the understanding of reality, as well as to organize a process of collective construction of a interdisciplinary proposal for Critical Environmental Education. From the reflections on the activity, it was possible to discuss interdisciplinarity beyond the school, but reflecting on it as a contribution to confronting the formal logic imposed by the capitalist model that leads to the fragmentation of production and transmission of knowledge, but also of work . , thought, social organization, etc. and that needs to be overcome in search of a new way of relating to others and to the environment.
Appears in Collections:Educação Científica e Ambiental - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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