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Title: Os (des)equilíbrios dos espaços escolares da leitura: um olhar para o PNBE
Other Titles: The (des)balances of the school spaces of reading: a look at the PNBE
Os (des)equilibrios de los espacios escolares de lectura: una mirada al PNBE
Keywords: Espaço escolares de leitura
Programa Nacional Biblioteca da Escola (PNBE)
Políticas públicas de incentivo à leitura
Leitura e escrita
Reading school space
Public policies to encourage reading
Reading and writing
Issue Date: Apr-2022
Publisher: Associação de Leitura do Brasil (ALB)
Citation: GOULART, I. do C. V. et al. Os (des)equilíbrios dos espaços escolares da leitura: um olhar para o PNBE. Linha Mestra, [S.l.], v. 16, p. 269-279, jan./abr. 2022. DOI: 10.34112/1980-9026.
Abstract: The National School Library Program, started in 1997, supports the promotion of culture, stimulating reading among students/teachers, through the distribution of literary and research works for the constitution of collections in school libraries throughout the country, for understanding them as the space for managing the works and favoring access to reading, contributing to the formation of readers. Therefore, this text aimsto present a reflection on the policies to encourage reading, specifically the PNBE, focusing on the school spaces of reading.To this end, a descriptive study is developed, with a qualitativeapproach, based on the PNBE and BNCC documents, in order to give visibility to the (un)balances of the actions to encourage reading in Brazil in recent years.
Appears in Collections:DED - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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