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Title: Sem quadra, sem pátio, e agora sem espaço comum no ensino remoto emergencial de Educação Física: refletindo sobre uma prática e formação docente
Other Titles: Without court, without patio, and now without common space in emergency remote teaching Physical Education: reflecting on a practice and teaching training
Authors: Farias, Marcio Norberto
Rodrigues, Luciana Azevedo
Vieira, Rubens Antônio Gurgel
Keywords: Ensino Remoto Emergencial
Educação Física Escolar
Emergency Remote Teaching
School Physical Education
Issue Date: 22-Nov-2022
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: VIVAS, E. S. Sem quadra, sem pátio, e agora sem espaço comum no ensino remoto emergencial de Educação Física: refletindo sobre uma prática e formação docente. 2022. 58 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2022.
Abstract: This autobiographical narrative research has the desire not to omit feelings that involved the personal and professional experiences of the researcher's trajectory until the present moment, which was permeated by great challenges reported throughout this investigation. This narrative initially presents a temporal sequence with fragments of the researcher's life story, then several relevant personal experiences are shared, integrated with elements that led to the professional choice - of Physical Education teacher -. In this way, the enchantment for the school universe, the admiration for the teacher and for the Physical Education classes are reported, added to an attentive and loving family accompaniment. In the life history referring to professional training, participation in PIBID, entering school and frustrating experiences that triggered concerns about the professional decision were punctuated. Therefore, the work seeks to report the situation of a teacher looking for greater professional and personal development, in addition to the consequences arising from the world pandemic in the daily exercise of teaching in physical education classes at school and possible resources to facilitate the learning of students in this area. abrupt, atypical and delicate situation at different levels of the sphere of human life. Finally, it became evident from everything explained that affections were produced by this narrative journey, which was based on human formation, a somewhat uncomfortable but necessary process of broadening the perspective of the world as changeable, unpredictable and chaotic.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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