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Title: A implementação do ensino remoto emergencial em um curso de administração de uma universidade federal
Other Titles: The implementation of emergency remote learning in an administration course at a federal university
Authors: Cappelle, Mônica Carvalho Alves
Lourenço, Cléria Donizete da Silva
Araújo, Ana Carolina Kruta de
Keywords: Ensino remoto emergencial
Ensino superior
Teoria da aprendizagem situada
Teoria da aprendizagem transformadora
Instituição de ensino superior
Emergency remote teaching
University education
Situated learning theory
Transformative learning theory
Higher education institution
Emergency remote education
Issue Date: 17-Apr-2023
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: DINIZ, I. R. A implementação do ensino remoto emergencial em um curso de administração de uma universidade federal. 2023. 149 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Abstract: The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to maintain social distancing to prevent the spread of the virus have altered all aspects of life in society. Higher education institutions needed to seek ways to adapt to this new reality and, for this, emergency remote teaching was implemented, a teaching modality in which all pedagogical activities are carried out in a remote format with the support of digital resources. Faced with the changes that the teaching-learning process has undergone due to emergency remote teaching, this research was developed with the objective of analyzing how an undergraduate course in administration at a federal university was organized during the implementation of emergency remote teaching. This general objective was broken down into the following specific objectives: to describe the decisions taken within the scope of the university for the implementation of emergency remote teaching based on published institutional documents; learn about the dynamics of implementing emergency remote teaching in the business administration course from the perspective of the members of the collegiate and the head of the department; identify impacts of remote teaching changes in the teaching-learning process of students participating in the course; and identify impacts of changes in remote teaching on the pedagogical practice of teachers participating in the course. To achieve this objective, the Theory of Situated Learning was used together with the Theory of Transformative Learning as a theoretical framework. A basic qualitative study was carried out, in which the researched subjects were the professors who are members of the collegiate of the administration course and head of the didactic-scientific department. Data were collected through interviews and documentary research. Mixed grid thematic content analysis was used for data analysis. In the results of the documentary research, it was observed all the movement of the university so that it was possible to implement emergency remote teaching. By conducting the interviews, it was observed that the professors needed to make a series of changes in their subjects, and that these changes often generated physical fatigue and stress, but, at the same time, the period they spent at home also had positive aspects, as they were able to spend more time with their families and, mainly, with their children. Regarding the didactic and pedagogical practices, changes were made in the pedagogical approaches and in the forms of evaluation of the students, in addition to difficulties in communicating with the students. It was also verified the difficulty of keeping the students motivated and committed to the classes, and many are in an apathetic state, without concern for grades or learning the proposed content. This research allowed a deeper understanding of this whole process in the context of a specific course, understanding that the specific characteristics of the business administration course bring a series of aspects that will define how professors and students adapted to this process and that these aspects are being changed due to the characteristics of each course, making the experiences of the subjects involved completely different and, therefore, need to be analyzed individually.
Appears in Collections:Administração - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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