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Title: Treinamento cruzado e seus efeitos na composição corporal
Other Titles: Cross training and its effects on body composition
Keywords: Treinamento Cruzado
Interferência negativa
Composição corporal
Cross training
Negative interference
Body composition
Entrenamiento cruzado
Interferencia negativa
Composición corporal
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Colégio Brasileiro de Atividade Física Saúde e Esporte
Citation: SILVA, S. F. et al. Treinamento cruzado e seus efeitos na composição corporal. Fitness & Performance Journal, Rio de Janeiro, v. 5, n. 4, p. 204-209, 2006.
Abstract: The awareness about the metabolism of energy and its adaptations to the different stimuli that occur in physical training is extremely important for a physical activity professional to prescribe and to monitor physical exercises. However, it is known that force training improves adaptations in the anaerobic energy system and induces the increase of corporal mass, whereas aerobic training produces different adaptations than those of force training, as it provides the increase of fat mobilization as energy substrate. The objective of our study was to verify corporal composition, during 12 weeks of cross training. The study was based in 3 groups (GC: G1; G2), each of them composed by 11 subjects. The training lasted for 12 weeks, 6 weeks dedicated to aerobic training, and 6 weeks, to force training. The evaluations were spread over 3 phases, i.e., before the training; in week 6; and in week 12 of training. We evaluated the body weight, the size, the IMC, the percentage of fat and the lean mass. The body weight and the IMC presented significant reductions in both G1 and G2 groups, and a significant reduction in the percentage of fat observed only in G2. The study did not find any possible negative interference in the body composition of the population studied.
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