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Title: “Arte por toda parte”: as vozes das diferenças entre imaginários, monstros e máscaras
Authors: Ribeiro, Cláudia Maria
Lobo, Dalva de Souza
Clareto, Sônia Maria
Keywords: Teatro – Aspectos sociais
Práticas teatrais
Escolas – Aspectos sociais
Escolas – Normas
Theater – Social aspects
Theatrical Practices
Schools – Social aspects
Schools – Standards
Issue Date: 1-Feb-2017
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: SILVA, G. de F. F. da. “Arte por toda parte”: as vozes das diferenças entre imaginários, monstros e máscaras. 2017. 153 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação)-Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2016.
Abstract: The present work brings to stage the theatric practices developed by an art-educator from the Teatro da Pedra, during the activities of the project ―Arte por toda parte‖, at a municipal school of Campo das Vertentes, Minas Gerais. By this research, it is ought to problematize the actions of the Cia. Teatral and verify if the theater enables a thinking and rethinking the differences, highlighting the (d)efficiencies and the monstrosities, present in a scholar environment, that assume the disciplinary role and the standard adjustments function. It is conceived, in the weaving of this text, foucaultian studies, that verse to approach and discuss the concepts of normality and governmentality at the power regimes that determine the normal and the abnormal. Therefore, a qualitative approach research was supported by bibliographic survey; documental analysis; participant observation and open interviews, directed to the art-educators of the Cia. Teatral, teachers of the regular school system and children subject to the present research. The analysis of the referred material, subsidized by a post-critical referential and supported on research methodologies of the Gilbert Durand (2011) imaginarium, categorized, discursively, the empirical material in four mythemes – mask, mantle/cap, serpent and monster, aiming at problematize the truths and power relations that surround the scholar society on screen.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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