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Title: O filme “Brava Gente Brasileira” como problematizador da cultura indígena na formação de professores de ciências e biologia: uma prática do PIBID de biologia
Other Titles: The film “Brava Gente Brasileira” as problematization of the indigenous culture in teacher training of the sciences and biology: a PIBID biology practice
Keywords: Cultura Indígena
Formação de professores
Cinema no ensino
Indigenous culture
Teacher training
Cinema in teaching
Issue Date: Jun-2015
Publisher: Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda
Citation: GONÇALVES, L. V.; SOUZA, M. J. de; NASCIMENTO JÚNIOR, A. F. O filme “Brava Gente Brasileira” como problematizador da cultura indígena na formação de professores de ciências e biologia: uma prática do PIBID de biologia. Revista Práxis, [S. l.], v. 7, p. 575-581, jun. 2015.
Abstract: This paper analyzes discussion possibilities of indigenous culture aspects presented in the movie ‘Brava Gente Brasileira’. This film was shown during a short course for teacher training developed by members of the Institutional Program de Initiation Teaching (PIBID) - Biology of the Federal University of Lavras - MG (UFLA). The space sought discuss, from the film, aspects of indigenous culture from an intercultural perspective and criticizes targeting a teacher education for cultural diversity, challenging stereotypes and prejudices, seeking to contextualize the importance of teacher training for cultural diversity. The film was shown at the Natural History Museum of UFLA and was attended science and biology teachers in initial and continuing education. After viewing the film were made contextualizing and reflections seeking to discuss what the participants understood of the film. The discussions were, first, related to some scenes of the movie that had sensitized the participants. Subsequently, these scenes were discussed among the cultural and social aspects, traing to make relations with the school environment and teacher training. By analyzing the videos one can see that the film in question became a potentiating tool in discussing aspects of indigenous culture, contributing to significant problematizations, providing a teacher training focused on intercultural perspective, since the role of the teacher, as an educator of future citizens, must provide the student with different cultural aspects in a critical and reflective way student with different cultural aspects of critical and reflective way.
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