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Title: Proposta curricular para a educação física na visão dos professores de Lavras-MG
Other Titles: Curriculum proposal for physical education in the teachers’ view in Lavras – MG
Keywords: Educação física - Proposta curricular
Physical education - Curricular proposal
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Citation: REIS, F. P. G. dos; GUIMARÃES, P. H.; MACHADO, R. P. T. Proposta curricular para a educação física na visão dos professores de Lavras-MG. Revista Mineira de Educação Física, Viçosa, MG, v. 21, n. 2, p. 116-148, 2013.
Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the report of the Physical Education teachers from 4 schools of statewide network in the city of Lavras – MG, under the point of view of the State Curriculum Proposal, based on the teachers’ approach who work or have worked with the document. It was used as method, within the qualitative research perspectives, the semi-structured interview resource to survey the most relevant aspects that pervade the Curriculum Proposal and are evidenced in the teachers’ classes. According to our analysis, it is noteworthy that there must be observed multilaterally all aspects that influence the implementation of the Curriculum Proposal, since within the state of Minas Gerais there are numerous particularities.
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