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Title: Percepções de professores de matemática relativas às tecnologias digitais nos contextos de atividade profissional
Other Titles: Perceptions of mathematics teachers related to digital technologies in the contexts of professional activity
Authors: Andrade, José Antônio Araújo
Andrade, José Antônio Araújo
Martins, Roney Ximenes
Fernandes, Filipe Santos
Keywords: Educação mediada por tecnologias
Tecnologias digitais
História oral
Educação matemática
Issue Date: 13-Apr-2018
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: NUNES, R. C. de A. Percepções de professores de matemática relativas às tecnologias digitais nos contextos de atividade profissional. 2018. 98 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2018.
Abstract: The present study has as general objective to elaborate understandings about how teachers of mathematics of the High School of the state school of education, in a city of the center-west of Minas Gerais, perceive the use of the digital technologies of information and communication in their pedagogical practices. This study is a qualitative approach and uses oral history as a research methodology, seeking to explore its potentialities in the process of building the entire research trajectory and for the constitution of the narratives of the four mathematical teachers interviewed. A brief theoretical discussion on narrative, experience and memory was presented, which collaborated to support the construction and analysis of narratives. In order to make the analysis of the narratives, six points of reflection were included, constituting the thematic axes of the research, based on the questions of the interview script, they were: The teacher's perception about the use of digital technologies; The historical movement of the entrance of the computers in the school and the change of the student; Digital technologies: in initial and continuing training; The difficulties encountered and what teachers report missing in Education in relation to Digital Technologies; On the motivations found for the use of digital technologies; Some examples of the use of digital technologies in pedagogical practices. In the discussion of these points, a dialogue was carried out between the statements of teachers interviewed with theoretical references and recent research on Education and Digital Technologies. This analytical movement illuminated indications of some actions necessary to integrate digital technologies in pedagogical practices and there was still the problematization that besides the entry of the new digital apparatus in the school, new practices are necessary. The research brings results that can contribute to issues in teacher training for the use of digital technologies and public policies of inclusion of these technologies in schools.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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