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Título: Deslocando as relações de gênero: infâncias e candomblé, contribuições para a educação com crianças pequenas
Título(s) alternativo(s): Shifting gender relations: childhood and candomblé, contributions to education with young children
Palavras-chave: Candomblé
Relações de gênero
Educação infantil
Gender relations
Child education
Data do documento: Jan-2018
Editor: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Citação: SOUZA, E. G. L.; ARAÚJO, P. C. Deslocando as relações de gênero: infâncias e candomblé, contribuições para a educação com crianças pequenas. Zero-a-Seis, Florianópolis, v. 20, n. 37, p. 142-156, jan./jun. 2018.
Resumo: The present work aims to present part of the data of the tesis of Souza (2016), entitled "Experiences of childhoods with production of cultures in Ilê Axé Omo OxéIbáLatan", in a dialogue with the feminist studies of Louro (2008), Hooks (2013) and Daves (2016) and the perspective of the decolonial researches of Quijano (2005) and Santos (2010) that break with a Eurocentric, binary and Cartesian perspective of gender relations. Weemphasize the Yoruba world view on the question of gender as a quaternary conjunction of principles, whose syntax organizes the categories "aborô", corresponding to the masculine principle; “iyabá”, to the feminine; "Metá-metá", which circulates simultaneously by the first two, and "laíibalopô", which stands out and beyond any sexual and gender perspective, but different from the "asexual" category of the Western matrix. However, it has been foundt hateven in a space that subverts the colonized perspective of gender relations in their cosmology, children present practices that bindbinary relations that associate the feminine with aspects of submission and reserve the masculine aspects of superiority. As a result, this discourse endsuplegitimizing those same characteristics historically attributed to the feminine (delicacy, fragility, inferiority, etc.), as if the masculine was linked to the culture and the feminine to the nature. Considering childhood experiences in Candomblé, with inspiration in the exuliclogic described by (Souza, 2016) and the Pedagogia Macunaímica (Faria, 2002), some possibilities for the construction of decolonizing pedagogies for education with young children are presented.
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