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Title: A articulação entre a educação básica e o ensino superior: contribuições dos mestrados profissionais em educação
Other Titles: Articulation between basic and higher education: contributions of professional masters in education
Keywords: Mestrados profissionais
Formação de professores
Educação básica
Professional Masters
Teacher training
Basic education
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Universidade de Taubaté - UNITAU
Citation: LIMA, F. de P. M.; FERREIRA, H. M.; VILLARTA-NEDER, M. A. A articulação entre a educação básica e o ensino superior: contribuições dos mestrados profissionais em educação. Revista Ciências Humanas, Taubaté, v. 12, n. 2, p. 208-220, mai./ago. 2019.
Abstract: This article chooses as object of discussion one of the main objectives of the professional masters in education, that is, the articulation between higher education and basic education. The objective is to inventory the contributions made by the Professional Master’s Program in Education (PPGE) of the Federal University of Lavras (MG) for the performance of the graduates in basic education. This paper presents the specificities of the professional masters’ proposals in education, discusses the processes of articulation between higher education and basic education, and analyzes the context of the processes of teacher training and the constitution of subjects. This work presents an analysis of the students’ perceptions about the effectiveness of the formative actions for the different fields of action of teachers of basic education. The discussions have shown that the articulation between higher education and basic education is still a challenge, since the contributions still require a treatment that allows the creation of strategies for a greater visibility of the actions / researches developed and the systematization of the students’ perceptions. In this sense, the contribution of this work consists in provoking a reflection on the effectiveness of the Professional Masters for a formation for teaching and for the school management in the basic education, evidencing a position that considers that the project and the formative actions of this modality are constitute social practices, which, in turn, promote the constitution of subjects, facilitate the understanding of educational processes, broaden the epistemological basis and strengthen the approximation between educational agencies and training agents.
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