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Title: Construção de um biodigestor caseiro para demonstração de produção de biogás e biofertilizante em escolas situadas em meios urbanos
Authors: Teixeira, Vítor Hugo
Santos, Luciano Mendes dos
Tavares, Gilmar
Keywords: Biodigestor didático
Homemade biodigester
Issue Date: 30-Oct-2014
Citation: METZ, L. V. Construção de um biodigestor caseiro para demonstração de produção de biogás e biofertilizante em escolas situadas em meios urbanos. 2013. 40 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Formas Alternativas de Energia)-Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2013.
Abstract: In recent decades humanity has been increasingly concerned with environmental issues, and in particular with the problem of fossil fuels, which in addition to being non-renewable energy sources are also highly polluting. The biodigester has been seen as a very interesting alternative for environmental issues because it uses waste that would be treated as garbage to renewable energy generation and whose pollution index is low compared to fossil fuels. It is important to develop from the early grades in schools and colleges awareness of rational use of energy, and that fosters the possibilities of alternative forms of renewable energy production. The use of the digester as a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary project at a school or college located in urban areas can contribute to the formation of a critical view on the subject. The project in question shows how easy is the construction and operation of a homemade biodigester where you can track daily biogas production, understand the relationship between climate variables such as temperature, with the amount of biogas produced at the end of the process and observe the formation of biofertilizers. In this work it was not possible to burn biogas for the methane produced was diluted air which was initially in the chamber, even with the production of biogas during the 90 days of the project.
Description: Monografia apresentada à Universidade Federal de Lavras como parte das exigências do curso de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu em Formas Alternativas de Energia, para a obtenção do título de Especialista em Formas Alternativas de Energia.
Appears in Collections:DEG - Formas Alternativas de Energia – Especialização (TCC)

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