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Title: Sociopolitical digital interactions' maturity: analyzing the brazilian states
Keywords: Sociopolitical digital interactions' maturity (SDIM)
Government-society relations
Electronic interactivity
Índice de Maturidade Digital
Interações digitais
Relações governo-sociedade
Issue Date: Oct-2014
Publisher: ACM Digital Library
Citation: SANTOS, H. R.; TONELLI, D. F.; BERMEJO, P. H. de S. Sociopolitical digital interactions' maturity: analyzing the brazilian states. International Journal of Electronic Government Research, [S.I.], v. 10, n. 4, Oct. 2014. DOI: 10.4018/ijegr.2014100104.
Abstract: In the context of the "network society" structured on "digital communication" processes, new values and technologies induce changes in government-society relations. The aim of this study was to propose a conceptual framework of understanding the levels of sociopolitical digital interactions' maturity (SDIM) in response to the following question: how can the sociopolitical digital interactions' maturity levels be classified? To conduct this study, a qualitative methodological approach was adopted. The content analysis of the 27 Brazilian state government websites was structured on a conceptual scheme (SDIM), which allowed the verification and classification of digital interactive tools used in e-government portals. It was concluded that the levels of electronic interactivity do not represent institutional democratic development and that co-creation may generate continuous processes of public sector innovation.
Appears in Collections:DAE - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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