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Title: Implicações do processo autodeclaratório no Cadastro Ambiental Rural: os remanescentes de vegetação nativa em imóveis rurais no estado do Paraná
Other Titles: Implications of the self-declaration process in the rural environmental registry: the remains of native vegetation in rural properties in the state of Paraná
Authors: Borges, Luís Antônio Coimbra
Laudares, Sarita Soraia de Alcântara
Borges, Luís Antônio Coimbra
Laudares, Sarita Soraia de Alcântara
Marques, Ricardo Tayarol
Keywords: Direito ambiental
Código florestal
Regularização ambiental
Desenvolvimento rural
Imóveis rurais
Environmental law
Forest code
Environmental regularization
Rural development
Rural properties
Issue Date: 21-Jun-2021
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: RESENDE, S. S. de S. Implicações do processo autodeclaratório no Cadastro Ambiental Rural: os remanescentes de vegetação nativa em imóveis rurais no estado do Paraná. 2021. 37 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologias e Inovações Ambientais) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2021.
Abstract: The Law of Protection of Native Vegetation (LPVN), nº. 12.651, was sanctioned on May 25, 2012 under bias of environmental regularization of rural activities in Brazil. In order to achieve the objectives of this Law, it was established, by Federal Decree nº. 7.830/2012, the System of Rural Environmental Registry (SICAR). It is a nationwide electronic system for managing the environmental information of rural property. This information, stated in the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR), comprises a database that will be a foundation for the environmental policies of sustainable rural development of the country, besides allowing access to rural property in the Program of Environmental Regularization (PRA) for cases of deficits or environmental liabilities. Registration in the CAR is self-declaratory, that is, it can be performed by the owners of the rural real estate. Because it is self-declaratory and there is no requirement of technical knowledge for the realization of the registers it is assumed that errors occur in the registration process and, consequently, in inconsistencies in the database, which in future will result in delays in the analyses during the validation process by the State Environmental Agencies (OEDs). In this scenario, there is the need to verify whether the data declared in CAR represent the reality of rural property, before they are used as a basis for decision-making by government entities. To evaluate the accuracy of this data, the comparison of the remaining native vegetation data declared in the CAR in the state of Paraná (CAR-Paraná) was compared with the official database used to validate the registers. It was found that 3,609,753.35 ha of RVN were declared, but only 64.29% of this value is correct and 1,468,986.32 ha were not declared. These figures can be explained by the lack of knowledge about the registration module as well as the purpose and benefits of CAR. The study revealed that CAR information is not accurate and requires validation by environmental entity before being used on the basis of environmental management. The imprecision of the declared data does not invalidate the technological advancement that CAR represents, only reinforces that the self-declaring tool was not the right decision there in 2012. Even with the inaccuracy and need for validation, it is certain that CAR represents the beginning of the journey towards the environmental regularization of rural properties in Brazil.
Appears in Collections:Tecnologias e Inovações Ambientais - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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