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Title: Pensar outros possíveis entre infâncias e necropolíticas
Other Titles: Pensar otros posibles entre infancias y necropolíticas
To think other possibilities between childhoods and necropolitics
Keywords: Infâncias
Crianças negras
Black children
Issue Date: Jul-2021
Publisher: Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Citation: SOUZA, E. L.; CARVALHO, A. F. Pensar outros possíveis entre infâncias e necropolíticas. Childhood & Philosophy, Rio de Janeiro, v. 17, p. 01-18, jul. 2021. DOI: 10.12957/childphilo.2021.59100.
Abstract: By publishing this dossier, it is intended to put in place a series of investigations whose challenges and approaches, problematizations and experiments take into account the broad spectrum of necropolitics. However, when emphasizing the places of contemporary childhoods in such a setting, it underlines the complex nodule that black children occupy in the necropolitics. In one way, because they are, against their will, human capacities and decisions, inheritors of a historical-social situation of a necropolitical matrix. Black children are born, thus, territorialized in an unequivocal necropolitical context. In another way, children make a relevant nod in the formation of tension and modification strategies in the necropolitical frameworks. If children learn to be racist, since the first socialization, in the broad necropolitical logic, they can also learn not to be racist. To inquire for other possibilities, taking children as centrality, is to pay attention to all the experimentation that children are able to undertake as a necropolitical deterritorialization. For such, it is maintained that other possibilities for a life community driven by affection politic, sensitive to human singularities and differences, producing values beyond the deep pit of the cursed colonial heritage, are not possible without education. Thus, the succession of articles presented in this dossier, from multiple and different perspectives, with peculiar approaches and concerns of their own, emphasizing varied and original emphases, brings a collective effort to produce other possibilities for children in the contemporary world.
Appears in Collections:DED - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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