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Título: Potencial didático de uma unidade de conservação: perspectivas no contexto da formação inicial
Autores: Alves, Jacqueline Magalhães
Barbosa, Vanderlei
Miranda, Adriana Barreto Lima
Palavras-chave: Área protegida
Educação não-formal
Recurso pedagógico
Protected areas
Non-formal education
Pedagogical resource
Data do documento: 23-Jan-2015
Citação: SILVA, A. L. F. da. Potencial didático de uma unidade de conservação: perspectivas no contexto da formação inicial. 2014. 144 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2014.
Resumo: Currently, many mechanisms of initial and continuous formation have been offered regarding the teaching-apprenticeship process, highlighting among many areas fundamental to education the socio-environmental thematic, being that, for this theme, we can use different resources and formative spaces. However, we note that many have not yet attained insight, for different reasons, for the use of such spaces. Therefore, this research had as objective analyzing, as students of a Pedagogy course of a private institution, the non-formal education environments, more precisely, the Conservation Units, as pedagogical resources for Environmental Education. The choice of Conservation Unit derives from the context of the studied College, in a region that counts on the Private Reserve Natural Heritage (PRNH) of sustainable use Canoa-Vale dos Ipês, property of the ONG-ARPIA. We researched, inside the initial formation process, conceptions and meanings constructed by a group of students in a participant research, which included a visit to the PRNH. The research was developed in a qualitative approach, using the Research-Action method. The procedures of the research that allowed the achievement of the intended objective were: questionnaire, documental research and semi-structured interviews, especially post-visit. The students participating in this research were initially invited to participate, using as main criteria being enrolled in the discipline of History and Geography Methodology. The data analysis was done using the Content Analysis method, with the data being coded and separated in categories. In the results, we found positive and negative propositions regarding the position of the teacher and of the school that proposes to perform activities outside of school walls, in addition to awakening a change in position, critically transforming the student. It is worth mentioning that the process of this research, as well as teaching and the teacher‟s work, are substantiated by the praxis endorsed in the reflectivity (action-reflection-action). Thus, these practices developed in the non-formal spaces contribute for the improvement of learning, aiding formal education, since it is substantiated in the formation of the feeling of belonging and awareness of the importance of valuing the environment for the common good, in addition to preserving our biggest heritage, which is life.
Descrição: Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Federal de Lavras, como parte das exigências do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação - Curso Mestrado Profissional, área de concentração em Formação de Professores, para a obtenção do título de Mestre.
Aparece nas coleções:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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