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Título: Construindo uma proposta de formação continuada de gestores escolares
Título(s) alternativo(s): Building a proposal for the continuous training of school managers
Construyendo una propuesta para la formación continua de los directivos escolares
Palavras-chave: Formação continuada
Gestores escolares
Projeto político pedagógico
Avaliação institucional
Continuing education
School directors
Pedagogical political project
Institutional evaluation
Educación continua
Directores de escuela
Proyecto político pedagógico
Evaluación institucional
Data do documento: 2022
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA)
Citação: ARCAS, P. H.; BORGES, R. M. Construindo uma proposta de formação continuada de gestores escolares. Devir Educação, Lavras, v. 6, n. 1, p. 1-18, jan./dez. 2022. DOI: 10.30905/rde.v6i1.515.
Resumo: This article analyzes the continuous training process for school directors developed in the municipal education network of Lavras (MG) in 2019-2020. The continuous training process, which is the object of analysis in this text, resulted from a diagnosis carried out with the technicians of the Municipal Secretary of Education on what would be the main obstacles and difficulties faced by working with the network. Based on this diagnosis, a training process for school managers was developed for the preparation or review of pedagogical political projects for schools and nurseries based on institutional self-evaluation, taking as a reference the Educational Quality Indicators. Regarding the theoretical framework of the pedagogical political project, the training was based on the studies of Veiga (1996) and Vasconcellos (2008). Although the training proposal has undergone changes due to the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the experience made it possible to achieve the proposed objectives, in the sense of granting subsidies to school administrators to develop institutional self-assessment processes and prepare or review the Pedagogical Projects of the schools and nurseries where they work.
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