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Título: Un experimento didáctico como recurso para la enseñanza de fuerza e inercia: análisis de una práctica pedagógica
Palavras-chave: Science teaching
Teaching methodology
Ensino de ciências
Metodologia de ensino
Data do documento: 2021
Citação: BIBIANO, T. G. et al. Un experimento didáctico como recurso para la enseñanza de fuerza e inercia: análisis de una práctica pedagógica. Revista Bio-grafía. Escritos sobre la Biología y su enseñanza, [S.l.], 2021.
Resumo: The objective of the work is to analyze an activity carried out in the discipline of Methodology of Science Teaching (MEC) of the Biological Sciences Degree Course at the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA). The activity was based on the presentation of a class to approach the concepts of Force and Inertia, which were developed through an experiment. After this moment, an evaluation of the activity was carried out by the students of the MEC discipline itself and this was analyzed using the technique of content analysis and categorization of the statements. The constructed categories were called pedagogical resources, contextualization of the theme, problematization and concepts of physics. Thus, it can be concluded that the experiment contributed to the understanding of the concepts of physics, in addition to the possibility of working with a transversal theme. In addition, the problematization and contextualization allowed the relationship between concepts and situations experienced by students.
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