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Title: Repensando a extensão universitária no campo de públicas a partir de um cenário de isolamento social: o caso do Prinagem modalidade remota em Luminárias-MG
Other Titles: Rethinking the university extension in the public affairs from a scenery of social isolation: the case of the Prinagem remote mode on Luminárias-MG
Keywords: Extensão universitária
Capacitação continuada
Experiência profissional
Problemas públicos
Programa de Internato em Administração e Gestão Municipal (Prinagem)
Minas Gerais
University extension
Ongoing training
Professional experience
Public problems
Minas Gerais state (Brazil)
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB), Pró-Reitoria de Extensão
Citation: RIBEIRO, G. F.; SOUZA, G. C. de. Repensando a extensão universitária no campo de públicas a partir de um cenário de isolamento social: o caso do Prinagem modalidade remota em Luminárias-MG. Revista Extensão, Cruz das Almas, v. 22, n. 1, p. 46-59, jul. 2022.
Abstract: This paper analyses an experience of an university extension project on Public Affairs through the case study of the Internship Programme in Municipal Administration (Prinagem). The project was carried out by a team of undergraduates, teachers and postgraduates of the João Pinheiro Foundation and the University of Lavras, in order to assist in the resolution of some demands of the municipality of Luminárias, Brazil. Through online meetings and diagnostic studies, the solutions were constructed in collaboration with the municipal technical-administrative team. The final product was a booklet of courses for public servants of various sectors and new performance evaluations to meet the demands. In the first part, the article contextualizes the importance of extension activities in academic and professional life as well as its consequences in the social environment, pointing out the challenges brought by the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, it deals with the formation of the graduate as extensionists, their views and interpretations of public problems, in contrast to those of public servants and the interaction of these actors for reaching the solutions. It highlights the dissemination of academic knowledge from a democratic perspective of access and optimisation of economic and human resources in the implementation of extension activities.
Appears in Collections:DAE - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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