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Título: As fases do pensamento de paulo freire: contribuições para a prática pedagógica
Título(s) alternativo(s): The phases of paulo freire’s thought: contributions to pedagogical practice
Autores: Barbosa, Vanderlei
Veloso, Braian Garrito
Pierângeli, Elaine Cristina Galvão
Palavras-chave: Freire, Paulo, 1921-1997
Práxis pedagógica
Método de ensino
Phases of thinking.
Pedagogical praxis
Data do documento: 9-Jul-2024
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: EUGÊNIO, Sandra Helena. As fases do pensamento de Paulo Freire: contribuições para a prática pedagógica. 2024. 80p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Resumo: This work aims to present and reflect on the phases of thought of the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire and investigate the scope of his contributions to Education. Three distinct moments were used as a parameter for the proposed reflections, portrayed in the elaboration of his writings, which allow us to perceive the distinction of these stages, conceptualizing them consecutively as: utopian, political and poetic. These are moments in which the author builds his theories about education, with a view to raising awareness and social, cultural and political emancipation. The specific objective of this analysis was to reflect the evolution of the author’s thinking, with the purpose of investigating in his definitions, elements that guide the search for relevant pedagogical reflections, to be optimized within the scope of pedagogical practice; that can contribute to citizenship training, in a context of profound changes in all aspects inherent to the educational universe. The foundations for referencing the constitution of these proposals were the author’s theoretical contributions, Education as a practice of freedom (1967), Pedagogy of the oppressed (1987), and Pedagogy of autonomy (1996), conceptualized in a dialogical way and integrated with other works, more updated, such as Mosaico Freireano (2021). The research favors a qualitative approach and chooses bibliographical study as an investigative procedure. During the development of the research, given all the proposals highlighted in the conceptions of Paulo Freire, the other theorists mentioned, and the experiences that come close to the investigations that were carried out, it was possible to affirm that pedagogical practice can be modified and transformed into praxis authentic. whose intention is the training, transformation and humanization of people, centered on convictions of autonomy and within a perspective of freedom and democracy.
Aparece nas coleções:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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