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Título: Alfabetização e pandemia: percepções docentes sobre formação e prática pedagógica
Título(s) alternativo(s): Literacy and pandemic: teacher perceptions about pedagogical training and practice
Autores: Goulart, Ilsa do Carmo Vieira
Cabral, Giovanna Rodrigues
Almeida, Ana Caroline de
Palavras-chave: Ensino remoto
Formação docente
Remote learning
Teacher training
Data do documento: 16-Jul-2024
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: GARCIA, Elizabeth de Jesus Romeu. Alfabetização e pandemia: percepções docentes sobre formação e prática pedagógica. 2024. 75p. Dissertação (Mestrado profissional em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Resumo: With the change in the social scenario at the beginning of 2020, due to the pandemic caused by Covid-19, schools around the world had their face-to-face classes suspended. Teachers needed to adapt their pedagogical practice to a given context. With the suspension that took place from March 2020, both the state and municipal governments had to develop strategies so that classes were not paralyzed. Therefore, the remote modality was adopted. In Minas Gerais, in mid-May of the same year, remote teaching began, in a scenario of uncertainty, news and, simultaneously, adaptation to the imposed social isolation. Families and teachers found themselves faced with the need to adapt to the new demands of this teaching format based on digital technologies and internet access. There was a lot of questioning about specific teacher training during the pandemic period, as there were many uncertainties regarding the adaptations of teachers, meeting new demands and guaranteeing teaching-learning for students that complied with the legal requirements imposed. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the perception of teachers who worked as literacy teachers regarding remote teaching during the pandemic period, analyze the actions carried out by these professionals, investigate the challenges faced in the school context and in their pedagogical practice. This was a descriptive and exploratory research, of a qualitative nature, with the application of a questionnaire and interviews with literacy teachers working in the initial years. The research sought theoretical foundations in the studies of Soares (2002; 2004; 2016) on literacy, of Nóvoa (1991; 2017) regarding teacher training, of Macedo (2022) in relation to Literacy and the Pandemic. The reflection proposed by the research is based on face-to-face teaching and remote teaching that takes advantage of the digital world, adopting different methodologies for student learning, where teacher training and pedagogical practice play a crucial role for this learning to actually happen. From data analysis, it was possible to identify three perceptual dimensions about remote teaching in literacy, organized into: (1) pedagogical practices in literacy carried out during the pandemic; (2) teachers’ perception regarding the pedagogical practices carried out; (3) teachers’ perception regarding the challenges faced during remote teaching. To meet the requirements set out in the Professional Master's Degree of the Postgraduate Program in Education, this research developed as an educational product an extension course “Digital technologies in literacy: what practices are we talking about?”
Aparece nas coleções:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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