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Title: Eu quero meu celular: as tecnologias digitais, a criança e a educação infantil
Other Titles: I want my cell phone: digital technologies, children and early education
Authors: Mendes​, Cláudio Lúcio
Bruzi, Alessandro Teodoro
Cruz, Luciana Hoffert Castro
Keywords: Educação infantil
Adaptação escolar
Tecnologias digitais
Desenvolvimento infantil
Early childhood education
Digital technologies
Child development
School adaptation
Issue Date: 22-Oct-2024
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: GOMES, Aline Patrícia. Eu quero meu celular: as tecnologias digitais, a criança e a educação infantil. 2024. 111 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Abstract: Currently, the constant and early use of digital technologies in early childhood is observed, causing a significant impact on children. Excessive screen time has been pointed out by specialized literature, particularly by neuroscientific studies, as detrimental to cognitive development. This study aimed to investigate the influences of digital technologies on the initial adaptation of children in Early Childhood Education, observing their behaviors and learning processes related to memory and attention. The specific objectives were as follows: 1) Utilize knowledge from neuroscience to understand the child's brain and the use of digital technologies; 2) Discuss the role of the teacher as a mediator of the teaching and learning process based on neuroscience; 3) Analyze how parents and guardians understand and manage children's relationship with digital technologies.To achieve these objectives, a literature review was first proposed to understand, based on neuroscience, how the brain learns and its possible modifications with the use of digital technologies. Subsequently, a qualitative field research was conducted, observing the subjects over two months, one at the beginning of the first semester and the other at the beginning of the second semester of 2023, using ethnographic data collection and analysis tools. Ethnographic observation techniques were used to collect data from two classes of the 1st period of Early Childhood Education, along with interviews with families to investigate how digital technologies are used in the family environment and who participates in the child-screen interaction. Teachers were also interviewed to understand their perceptions of the early use of digital technologies in the children's teaching and learning process. A research diary was employed to record the step-by-step investigation, contributing to the data analysis, which, in addition to being theoretically supported by neuroscience, engaged with some principles of Cultural Studies and ethnographic tools. Conclusively, the analysis suggests the need for pedagogical strategies that balance the use of technology with activities that promote social interaction, creativity, and physical movement. This balance is crucial for ensuring a holistic and integrated child development. The research also emphasizes the importance of considering the family context and parental mediation strategies in analyzing the impact of screen time on child development.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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