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Título: Acordes do mercado: uma análise de como os consumidores moldam o mercado de discos de vinil por meio de suas práticas
Título(s) alternativo(s): Market chords: an analysis of how consumers shape the vinyl record market through their practices
Autores: Rezende, Daniel Carvalho de
Dalmoro, Marlon
Leme, Paulo Henrique Montagnana Vicente
Palavras-chave: Estudos de mercado
Discos de vinil
Market studies
Vinyl records
Data do documento: 19-Mar-2025
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: MELO, Mateus da Mata. Acordes do mercado: uma análise de como os consumidores moldam o mercado de discos de vinil por meio de suas práticas. 2025. 133 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2025.
Resumo: This study aims to investigate how consumers shape the vinyl record market through their practices. Guided by the five subprocesses of market shaping, the research seeks to understand how consumers qualify records, organize modes of exchange, configure market actors, establish norms, and create market images. The study employed a qualitative and exploratory approach, based on semi-structured interviews conducted with consumers and sellers, as well as observations in physical stores and record fairs. The data were analyzed using the thematic content analysis technique to identify consumer practices that shape the market. The results highlight that consumers value the symbolic, aesthetic, and sensory qualities of vinyl records, attributing unique characteristics to them compared to digital media. Furthermore, consumers play active roles in creating exchange spaces, such as fairs and online marketplaces, and in forming collectives that promote collaborative consumption. The study also shows how consumer practices challenge market norms, encouraging the inclusion of new artists and the preservation of analog formats. Market representations, such as the nostalgia associated with vinyl, play a central role in the revitalization of vinyl records. The research offers various contributions. From an academic perspective, it empirically applies the subprocesses of market shaping proposed by Harrison and Kjellberg (2016), that provide a robust and innovative theoretical approach to understanding the transforming market. Practically, the results provide insights for managers and marketing professionals interested in exploring the vinyl record market, encouraging strategies based on conscious consumption and cultural value. Finally, the research contributes to the recognition of the vinyl record market as a dynamic and inclusive space, reaffirming the role of consumers as transformative agents and co-creators of markets.
Aparece nas coleções:Administração - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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