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Title: Controle de dispositivos didáticos de mecatrônica
Authors: Lacerda, Wilian Soares
Keywords: C
Issue Date: 13-May-2015
Citation: HEREDIA, M. Controle de dispositivos didáticos de mecatrônica. 2004. 79 p. Monografia (Especialização em Administração em Redes Linux) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2004.
Abstract: The present work explores one of the some applications of the Operational System Linux, conciliating programming, electronics and mechanics. Making use of the parallel interface and an electronic circuit, the control of an animatronic is made, that consists of a doll or controlled face automatically.The drive of the part mechanics is made by means of a program in language C, through the parallel door. With the drive of an engine the animatronic carries through the daily pay-definitive movements. Although not to be a newness, a time that the animatronics already are used in the thematic cinema and parks since the decade of 60, the objective of the work is to allow unfoldings that take care of public schools due to the low investment (free Software, scrap, simple electronics materials) that it is necessary for its implementation.
Appears in Collections:DCC - Administração em Redes Linux – ARL – Especialização (Monografias)

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