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Title: Potencial de aplicação de microcápsulas de óleo essencial de orégano em queijo quark
Other Titles: Potencion of application microcapsules essential oil of oregano in Quark cheese
Keywords: Laticínios
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais
Citation: AZEVEDO, V. M. et al. Potencial de aplicação de microcápsulas de óleo essencial de orégano em queijo quark. Revista do Instituto de Latícinios Cândido Tostes, Juiz de Fora, v. 386, n. 67, p. 5, maio / jun. 2012.
Abstract: The objective was to evaluate the chemical composition and potential application of microcapsu les of essential oil (EO) of oregano at different concentrations (0%, 0,25 %, 0,50%, 0,75% and 1,0%) in cheese quark, in chemical composition and sensory acceptance and suitability of cheese Instru ction n° 53 and Ordinance n° 146, to evaluate the potential a pplica tion of these microca psu les inqu ark cheese. T he five formu la tions differed significantly from ea ch other in rela tion to moistu re content a nd tota l solids, a nd a s regression ana lysis, increasing the microcapsules concentra tion in the qua rk cheese will have the reduction of moisture and consequ ently increases the tota l solids content. In sensory evalua tion of cheese qua rk formu la tions with u p to 0 ,4 5% orega no essencial oil microca psu les showed a slight redu ction in the a ccepta nce a nd pu rcha se intent by classifying between «like slightly / moderately liked» and «maybe buy / maybe not buy and probably buy it». Thus, the cheese produced is it according to the Instruction n. 53 a nd Ordina nce n. 1 46 and the microca psu les show good potentia l for a pplica tion in qu ark cheese.
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