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metadata.teses.dc.title: Direito à verdade e a efetivação do estado democrático de direito
metadata.teses.dc.title.alternative: Righto to truth and the realization of the democratic state of law
metadata.teses.dc.creator: Oliveria, Izabella Ribeiro e Garcia de
metadata.teses.dc.contributor.advisor1: Gomes, David Francisco Lopes
metadata.teses.dc.contributor.referee1: Machado, Gustavo Seferian Scheffer
metadata.teses.dc.subject: Ditadura Militar
Direito à verdade
Justiça de Transição
Estado Democrático de Direito
Violações de direitos
Military Dictatorship
Right to the Truth
Transition Justice
The Democratic State of Law
Human Rights 8-Nov-2017
metadata.teses.dc.identifier.citation: OLIVERIA, Izabella Ribeiro e Garcia de. Direito à verdade e a efetivação do estado democrático de direito. 2017. 38p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Direito) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2017.
metadata.teses.dc.description.resumo: O lapso temporal entre 1964 a 1985 é lembrado por ser o dos “anos de chumbo” na história do Brasil, uma vez que eles se caracterizaram por serem períodos autoritários e repressivos, nos quais a supressão de direitos e liberdades era constante. Cumula-se a isso, a omissão de informações concretas sobre fatos e circunstâncias ocorridas durante a vigência do regime militar que obscurecem e distorcem a compreensão do cenário atual do país. Visando concretizar o Estado Democrático de Direito, o direito à verdade, um dos pilares da Justiça de Transição, constitui um importante instrumento na efetivação da democracia do Brasil, uma vez que, ao expor fatos omitidos, rompe com a cultura do silêncio, gera reflexão social, e desencadeiam mudanças concretas nas esferas jurídica, política e social; e, assim, contribuem para a construção de um Estado Democrático genuinamente material.
metadata.teses.dc.description.abstract: The time gap between 1964 and 1985 is remembered for being "years of lead" in the history of Brazil, since they were characterized by being authoritarian and repressive, in which the suppression of rights and freedoms was constant. Addition to this, the omission of factual information about facts and circumstances that occurred during the period covered by the military regime which obscure and distort the understanding of the current scenario of the country. In order to achieve the Democratic Rule of Law, the right to truth, one of the pillars of Transitional Justice, is an important tool in the realization of democracy in Brazil, since, by exposing facts omitted, breaks with the culture of silence, generates social reflection, and produce concrete changes in the spheres legal, political and social development; and, thus, contribute to the building of a Democratic State genuinely material.
The time gap between 1964 and 1985 is remembered for being "years of lead" in the history of Brazil, since they were characterized by being authoritarian and repressive, in which the suppression of rights and freedoms was constant. Addition to this, the omission of factual information about facts and circumstances that occurred during the period covered by the military regime which obscure and distort the understanding of the current scenario of the country. In order to achieve the Democratic Rule of Law, the right to truth, one of the pillars of Transitional Justice, is an important tool in the realization of democracy in Brazil, since, by exposing facts omitted, breaks with the culture of silence, generates social reflection, and produce concrete changes in the spheres legal, political and social development; and, thus, contribute to the building of a Democratic State genuinely material.
metadata.teses.dc.publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
metadata.teses.dc.language: por
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