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Title: Autobiografia como instrumento no processo identitário do docente: uma reflexão sobre vivências no PIBID
Other Titles: Autobiography as a constitutive instrument in teacher identity: a reflection on experiences in PIBID
Authors: Romero, Regina de Souza
Romero, Tania Regina de Souza
Cano, Márcio Rogério de Oliveira
Ninin, Maria Otília
Keywords: Teacher training
Narrativas autobiográficas
Formação docente
Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação a Docência (PIBID)
Autobiographical narratives
Issue Date: 11-Feb-2020
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: OLIVEIRA, J. J. V. de. Autobiografia como instrumento no processo identitário do docente: uma reflexão sobre vivências no PIBID. 2019. 59 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2019.
Abstract: Currently, much has been discussed about the importance of the Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência, PIBID, as well as about the contribution that such program offers to teacher training, since it intends to promote the initiation of the undergraduate in the school environment of the public education network, aiming to stimulate the observation and reflection on the degree, in addition to bringing the student closer to teaching practice (NÓVOA, 2013; ROMERO, 2017). Thinking about this, I intend, through an autobiography, to address how the program helped in my training and the experiences that made the construction and reflection of my teaching identity possible, taking into account my development as a undergraduate, since the teaching practice is aligned with the formation of the individual's identity (HALL, 2006; BARCELOS, 2016). In this bias, Zabalza (2004), Nóvoa (2013), Barcelos (2016), assert that the teacher is constructed from the experiences lived according to the context in which he is and not only based on the contents proposed in training courses like the one of Letters. Inserting myself in this research area and specifically in the research group Identity of the Language Teacher (IDOLIN), I analyze how I, as a Letter’s student, evaluate my participation on PIBID, my contributions during the participation in the program and difficulties during the work. In addition, I analyze, through Functional Systemic Linguistics (White and Martin, 2005), how my experiences and challenges mean according to the attitude subsystem. The elaboration of the autobiography and its analysis made me realize that the act of reflexion on my teaching practice allowed me to resignify my actions, transform my conceptions on teaching/learning Portuguese, perceive and value the help of others, seeing how it was significant in my actions, and further evidence how much PIBID influenced my teaching identity. In this sense, I realize that the act of reflection about the teaching practice itself is of paramount importance for the training of teachers and for the better insertion of the undergraduate student in the world of teaching.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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