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Título: Fatores obstétricos, econômicos e do comportamento alimentar associados à autopercepção da qualidade do sono durante a gestação
Título(s) alternativo(s): Obstetric, socioeconomic and eating behavior factors associated with the self perception of sleep quality during pregnancy
Autores: Teixeira, Lílian Gonçalves T
Ferreira, Nathália Luíza
Teixeira, Lílian Gonçalves
Ferreira, Nathália Luíza
Resende, Cristina Maria Mendes
Ferreira, Larissa Bueno
Palavras-chave: Comportamento alimentar
Cuidado pré-natal
Eating behaviour
Prenatal care
Data do documento: 6-Jun-2023
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: SANT'ANNA, M. L. P. Fatores obstétricos, econômicos e do comportamento alimentar associados à autopercepção da qualidade do sono durante a gestação. 2023. 75 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Nutrição e Saúde)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Resumo: Pregnancy is a period of adjustment to motherhood, marked by transitions in social, biological, behavioral and psychosocial aspects, which can affect the quality of sleep and life of the pregnant woman, with potential repercussions on the baby's health. Considering the quality of sleep during this period for the health outcomes of the mother and child binomial, the aim of this study is to investigate the nutritional, socioeconomic and obstetric factors associated with the quality of sleep of pregnant women. This is a cross-sectional study carried out with pregnant women assisted in public or private health sectors in the city of Lavras-MG. Socioeconomic, obstetric, eating behavior and sleep quality data were collected. To assess sleep quality in the last month, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI-BR) was used. Two tests were used to assess eating behavior: the Mindful Eating Questionnaire (MEQ) to assess the five domains of mindful eating, and the Three Eating Factor Questionnaire, which assesses eating behavior on three scales: Cognitive Restriction (CR), Feeding emotional disorder (AE) and eating disorder (DA). Chi-square statistical tests with Fisher's exact test, Spearman correlation and Ordinal logistic regression were performed. Of the 160 women in this study, 47 (29.4%) were classified with Good sleep quality, 84 (52.5%) with poor sleep quality and 29 (18.1%). women with sleep disorders. As for skin color, 69.4% self-declared as black and brown. In total, 63.1% of the women had a partner and 62.5% did not plan the pregnancy. Almost half of the participants completed high school (47.5%) and received 1-2 minimum courses (49.4%). The median age was 27 years and there was no association between it and sleep quality. The median gestational age was 24.0 weeks, and women classified as having sleep disorders were at more advanced gestational weeks than those classified as having good/poor quality sleep. A large portion of the women classified as having good sleep quality had a family income >2 minimum attendances (44.7%). Most women with poor quality and sleep disorders had a family income between 1-2 conflicts (54.8% and 55.2%, respectively) (p<0.017). There was a relationship between the overall MEQ score and the women's sleep quality. After adjustments, mindful eating proved to be a protective factor against worse sleep conditions (p=0.022). The results of this study show that eating behavior, socioeconomic and obstetric factors can influence the quality of sleep of pregnant women and, consequently, influence the quality of life and health of the pregnant woman and the baby. Mindful eating, listening to and following satiety cues, consciously restricting foods or food groups, and eating in emotionally direct response to sleep quality. At the same time, mindful eating was identified as a protective factor for sleep quality.
Aparece nas coleções:Nutrição e Saúde - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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