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Title: Qualidade microbiológica de doces de leite comercializados no Sul de Minas Gerais
Other Titles: Microbiological quality of “doce de leite” sold in the south of Minas Gerais
Keywords: Segurança alimentar
Lácteos concentrados
Food security
Concentrated dairy
Issue Date: 28-Mar-2012
Publisher: Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais
Citation: OLIVEIRA, A. R. C. de et al. Qualidade microbiológica de doces de leite comercializados no Sul de Minas Gerais. Revista do Instituto de Laticínios Cândido Tostes, Juiz de Fora, v. 67, n. 388, p. 11-14, set./out.2012.
Abstract: The doce de leite is a food widely consumed in Brazil, with high levels of nutrients, resulting from the cooking of the mixture of milk and sugar, add flavoring or not, to its concentration and browning. The improper handling and environmental exposure increase the risk of product contamination, and subsequently the consumer. The quality of products available for consumption is of paramount importance in ensuring food security and population health. As a result, microbiological analysis are essential to meet the hygiene conditions in which food is prepared, the risks to consumer health and the desired shelf life. Considering the above facts, this study aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality of samples of milk sweet paste sold in Lavras, south of Minas Gerais. The samples of different brands within the validity period, underwent the following tests: counting enterobacteria, fungi and yeasts and aerobic mesophilic aerobic bacteria. With the exception of sample 5, all others had contamination levels above those recommended by the legislation for the microorganisms studied.
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